疯狂动物园 HD

10.0 推荐

分类:喜剧片 美国 2015

导演:Ross  Venokur  







导演:Ross Venokur


更新时间:2024-05-13 17:50



  After breaking out of a rehabilitation zoo, Frankie, a squirrel with all the angles, returns to his forest. He learns from his dim-witted best friend, Cody, a porcupine and street-con, that while he was in lock-up, the entire forest was picked clean by The A.C.O.R.N.S. Institute (Alternative Cosmetic Oils for Regenerative Natural Skin-care). No acorn was left behind. With winter just around the corner, it's a potentially devastating blow to all forest critters. So, Frankie has no choice but to bust into the brand new, state-of-the-art, rodent-proof A.C.O.R.N.S. Processing Plant and take back all of the acorns! Though a seemingly impossible heist, success would not only save the lives of his forest friends, but it would also give Frankie a chance to win back the love of his life, Lola, a local "show squirrel." Sadly, Lola has been burnt by too many of Frankie's false promises in the past. With the support of Frankie's old mentor, Mr. Bellwood, a wealthy badger, Frankie and Cody assemble a team of top notch "crackers" from all over the forest, including: a bat named Fly Boy, a top notch munitions expert; Raitch, a computer hacking albino snake, who never allows her lack of appendages to get in the way; Edsy a tiny "family frog," whose ability to freeze himself solid for days on end without harm is invaluable; a germophobic French rat named Liam, who can collapse his skeleton to get into any space; Chinese father-daughter pangolins named Pango and Lin, the best diggers in the forest; and Bellwood's hedgehog butler, Oscar who knows how to get his hands on anything the crew needs. With winter knocking at their door, Frankie and his crew have only three days to prepare and execute this unprecedented heist. When they learn that the processing of their forest's acorns has been pushed up a day, Lola's refusal to participate leaves Frankie and his crew one critter short. With everything on the line, Frankie and his crew of Animal Crackerz set out to pull off the biggest heist in animal history!


《疯狂动物园》该片自上映后,口碑爆棚,能成为年度最佳喜剧片。《疯狂动物园》往往可以变成在今年的电影中用户评价有名的电影,直接原因是《疯狂动物园》整部著作自身足够好,不论是艺人威尔·福特,约翰·雷吉扎莫,约翰·克里斯,吉姆·卡明斯,杰森·琼斯,萨曼莎·比的呈现、Ross Venokur拍摄技巧,或是电影情节和现实感,全是非常出众的,取得好口碑:10.0分其实也很正常。《疯狂动物园》的艺人威尔·福特,约翰·雷吉扎莫,约翰·克里斯,吉姆·卡明斯,杰森·琼斯,萨曼莎·比尽管说不是非常有名,但是威尔·福特,约翰·雷吉扎莫,约翰·克里斯,吉姆·卡明斯,杰森·琼斯,萨曼莎·比的表演很好,可以把观众们带到到小故事中来,让粉丝有一种窒息的感觉,相比这些帅哥的表演威尔·福特,约翰·雷吉扎莫,约翰·克里斯,吉姆·卡明斯,杰森·琼斯,萨曼莎·比的表演真是能够称之为高手,因此大家喜欢这部喜剧片。

3、《疯狂动物园》导演Ross Venokur:种电影的人,你了解哪些?

这部2015上映的喜剧片,入围2022年柏林电影节主竞赛单元,打破了近年来欧洲三大电影节主竞赛单元喜剧片“零入围”的僵局,也让Ross Venokur在威尼斯完成了他的作品从威尼斯“地平线”、戛纳“一种关注”到柏林主竞赛的“进阶”。导演Ross Venokur一直关注着自己的家乡,Ross Venokur镜头总是盯着熟悉的家乡。即使上一部电影变成了繁华的大城市,Ross Venokur善于讲述残酷荒诞却不失温情的故事,电影勾勒出人们对土地的依恋、《疯狂动物园》现代文明与人心的矛盾。《疯狂动物园》在谈到老人、孩子和年轻人之后,这次Ross Venokur将把重点放在与村子密不可分的中年人身上。《疯狂动物园》延续了Ross Venokur导演深厚的人文关怀,演员威尔·福特,约翰·雷吉扎莫,约翰·克里斯,吉姆·卡明斯,杰森·琼斯,萨曼莎·比的组合主演,新颖又富有挑战性。威尔·福特,约翰·雷吉扎莫,约翰·克里斯,吉姆·卡明斯,杰森·琼斯,萨曼莎·比在影片中的表现,堪称一次突破。


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